Mark Strome – What Are The 3 Key Character Traits of a True Philanthropist

Mark Strome - What Are The 3 Key Character Traits of a True Philanthropist


The vast majority of people devote most of their energies in trying to achieve their ambitions. They want to succeed in both their personal and professional lives. This is why they hardly have the time to think about the other, less fortunate individuals in society. Fortunately, not all human beings are the same. Many choose to make a positive difference in the world. They choose to carry on philanthropic work while pursuing their careers at the same time.

Mark Strome – What are traits that differ philanthropists from other people?

Mark Strome is a well-known American business owner and philanthropist. He is currently the Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Strome Investment Management. This is an esteemed financial company specializing in hedge fund investments. He is also the patron and founder of The Strome Family Foundation. This philanthropic organization supports numerous community programs around the work dealing with social issues. It also provides resources for promoting arts, medical research, and primary education.

He says young people need to come forward to do philanthropic work whenever they get the opportunity. In doing so, they are improving the lives of those who are less fortunate than themselves. At the same time, they should not confuse philanthropy with charity. Charity involves offering short-term assistance to victims of social problems or natural calamities. On the other hand, philanthropy comes up with long-term and permanent solutions to eradicate their suffering.

He further states the following three traits which common in people who enjoy doing philanthropic work:

1 Passion and commitment

People with a genuine interest in philanthropy focus on improving the lives of the downtrodden. They want to ensure their actions have a positive long-term impact on these individuals. Only then can they make the world a better place. Genuine philanthropists are aware their efforts will not bring the results they are looking for in a day. This does not prevent them from striving passionately to achieve their objective.

2 Focusing on work rather than recognition

True philanthropists work tirelessly to eradicate the social problems affecting those who are less fortunate. They want to make a difference in the lives of the downtrodden through their deeds. They want to inspire others to follow suit, and it is here that they invest their time.

3 Empathetic

Those who take time to do philanthropic work are genuinely empathetic to the struggles of the less fortunate. They feel it is their obligation to help them overcome the problems hindering their social advancement. Philanthropists are always willing to do whatever is necessary to help them improve their social and economic status. This includes denoting money or teaching them new skills.

Mark Strome concludes by saying philanthropy is essential to the smooth functioning of modern democratic societies. It helps to uplift the less fortunate and open up opportunities for them. Philanthropy also teaches people the importance of selflessness instead of thinking about their own well-being. Those with a genuine interest in philanthropy are empathetic and passionate about the issues they deal with. They also let their actions speak for themselves rather than seek recognition from society!