What to Look for in a Video Encoder for Live Streaming Events

Video Encoder for Live Streaming Events


Nowadays, we all are living in a digital world where events have burst out beyond the stage with live streaming. Right from executive town halls, to press conferences, and corporate award ceremonies, most events have two audiences: the one that is present in the room at a time, and the one behind their screens watching the event unfold at the same time.

For large-scale, mid-size, or even startups, the expanded outreach is just like a dream come true. Live streaming is an excellent way to amplify a message, increase brand awareness, and nurture relationships with admirers and followers. That is the main reason why millions of people stream videos on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram every day.

Whether you are a content creator, artist, influencer, or a businessperson, if you want your live streams to go off without a hitch, you should look for the following high-quality live streaming checklist.

This checklist will help you to establish a secure connection and reliable equipment for live streaming your corporate events.

  • Go For Low Latency Encoder

Latency is the more accurate term for a delay in live streaming. Latency is the total time between something that happens in the real world and the broadcast of that event on the viewer’s screen. Latency can affect the live stream event experience considerably.

For example, if you assume that your audiences are not sitting in the seats at your live events, latency maybe not that important for you. Whether it is three seconds or three minutes, it does not matter. However, if live attendees are tweeting updates or you are providing a live score, long latency is not ideal. In such cases, viewers may read about something before they see and hear it happen. Therefore, you should choose a video encoder that helps you to keep the latency as low as possible.

  • Choose a Video Encoder that Maintains Video Quality Over Any Network

When it comes to selecting a video encoder, you must first take into consideration what type of network you will be used to stream your video. Choose a reliable system for live streaming. If you are using a managed IP network such as a LAN or WAN, ensure that your network can provide enough bandwidth for video streaming. So, if your video is going to be captured from a remote location, make sure your video encoder is capable of managing inconsistent bandwidth fluctuations, packet loss, and transmit times. It would be best if you chose a video encoder that supports SRT protocols. If you are planning to stream directly to mobile devices, ensure you have a video encoder that supports adaptive bitrate streaming.

  • Do not Forget to Check if Your Video Encoder Supports Secure Protocols or not

Your video content sensitivity is one of the key considerations while choosing a video encoder. When it comes to your corporate event, communications, or even live video, this content is not meant usually for external audiences. So, make sure that your live streaming video is secure over the internet. Many corporations use advanced encryption standards, such as 128 and 256 key-based encryption systems. This system supports the SRT streaming protocol that has AES integrated within the configuration. Therefore, you can stream video securely.

  • Never Underestimate the Importance of Video Decoder

Just like encoding, decoding is also an essential and opposite process of encoding. In decoding, the compressed files and videos are used as inputs, and a video decoder expands them back into their original form. Decoding makes your video appropriate for display on your monitor, TV screen, projector, or even phone. Of course, apart from choosing an encoder, it is vital to know how the audience will view the video. For that, you should use the appropriate video decoder. 

  • Inputs and Compression Codecs is Essential

Last, but not the least, in a video encoderlook out for what type of compression codecs your encoder supports. Codecs are the main reason why we can easily stream videos and do FaceTime to our loved ones, even with limited bandwidth. So, make sure your video encoder supports HEVC or H.265 codec standard.  

Wrapping Up

A live stream is a significant opportunity for you to make a long-lasting impression. Although your video content is top-notch, because of the flicker in the live stream screen, the audience’s perception of the event can drastically get affected.

So, keep in mind the above-discussed criteria while choosing a video encoder for live streaming your corporate events.