Do paint colors affect the lighting of your home?

Do paint colors affect the lighting of your home


It is quite natural that when it comes to the painting of our house, we only think about our favorite colors. But did you know that this is the wrong approach and there is a science behind the color scheme and it helps make your rooms look good? Also, the way you paint your room considerably improves the brightness and look of it.

The wall painting design in certain rooms can be soft whereas in others a bit brighter. You need to choose the relevant design to fit your room and lighting. In this context, you can always rely on Royale Play Texture. It has a wide range of wall painting designs that can enhance the look and feel of your rooms.In this blog, we will try to shed some light on the things which you need to keep in mind while initiating house painting.

Assessing the degree of paint color light reflection

This is one of the important and vital things to do while choosing paint colors for your room. LRV or Light Reflectance Value determines as to how many degrees a given paint color can reflect the light.

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Though all the colors reflect the light, some have got low reflectance value and the others high. Hence, you should read the LRV value mentioned on the paint bucket very carefully to decide which room will be better suited for the same.

Which room should have a brighter shade?

This is very tricky and dependent on the factor as to what kind of mood you want to recreate in the room. For example, bathrooms are painted brighter with high LRV paints to ensure high visibility whereas dining and living rooms are often painted with lesser LRV paints for warmer light effect.

How sunlight plays a role in creating effects?

The appearance and lighting effect changes as per your paint’s color and sunlight. For instance, the color of the room which is facing sunrise will give a rejuvenating and brighter effect whereas the one facing sunset will give a lighter and warmer effect. It all depends on the shade of paint you use to color, hence, be vigilant while choosing one.

Using artificial lighting

As already stated above, lighting plays a vital role in enhancing the effect of paint in your room. To play more with this effect, many people take the help of artificial lightings such as LEDs.

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LED lights are known to make the warm effect fade due to hits harsh nature, hence it might not fit for your lounge but can be used in your kitchen and bathrooms.

Wrap up

Paints play a vital role in making your dream colors come true and enhance your room. To get a maximum out of your paint, you should choose a right product like Royale Play Texture. This series has to offer a wide range of wall painting designs. Remember to consult an expert before you plan to get your office or house painted. He will clear all your myths and mental blocks related to painting and colors.