Five Amazing Clever Room Divider Ideas

Five Amazing Clever Room Divider Ideas


Room dividers are a great way to add a little style and function to a spacious room. You can use almost anything to make a room divider. Some ideas include hangers, shower curtains, or even shipping pallets. A wall divider made from shipping pallets can offer a trendy edge to a dreary room. Designs for room dividers are also very diverse. Some of these designs can include a masonry screen wall design or a nice wooden texture. Below are five ideas that wall dividers can be used for.

1. Adding storage

A wall divider can be almost anything, even a bookcase. Using a bookcase as a wall divider also adds a bit of storage capacity to a room. This is useful because things can be taken off tables or the floor and placed on the bookcase. Other things can be used besides a bookcase. The general idea is to add a bit of function to a room and get clutter up off the floor and the tables.

Other storage options can include using small storage bins stacked as dividers. By using something small, and not too thick, they can be placed fairly neatly and act as a wall divider. With some creativity, something like this can add some flair to a room along with storage.

2. Using a shower curtain

A shower curtain makes an interesting addition as a wall divider. This goes into adding style to a room. Using materials that are not designed to be wall dividers, as a wall divider creates some interesting results. A shower curtain, in particular, can be a good way to put an extra curtain to use instead of throwing it out.

3. Hanging art

A wall divider can make a good bracket for hanging some interesting art. Taking the curtain example, a person could hand a large, framed print and add a lot of life to a room. This could also work for other forms of art like maybe small carved figurines or blankets. It’s best to use this as an example and go and experiment. Go and see what works.

4. Sectioning

Sectioning is a good way to separate small nooks from the rest of a large room, like a living room. This creates a bit of organization to a living space. It lets people know that certain parts of a room have a specific purpose. If paired with something like a small bookshelf, then this can quickly create a nice reading nook. Like with the other examples it’s best to experiment and see what works best.

5. Hide bad spots in a room

Sometimes a room has a bad spot or two. A cleverly placed divider can help cover-up these areas and not stand out too much. Depending on the spot a small or medium-sized divider can be used. An example can be using a small folding screen to cover up a few black marks on a wall or a bad spot on the carpet.

Dividers can be a versatile addition to any room. They can be made from anything from shower curtains, storage boxes, and wooden pallets. The design used can be anything from an elegant masonry screen wall design to a more artistic look.

The uses can range from adding additional storage to even covering up bad spots in a room. The possibilities are endless so it’s best to use your imagination. Go out and try a few of them, see how they work out.