Flowers are great gifts and people give flowers for many reasons. They are priceless gifts and they don’t come along with a price tag. Flowers are the same as a handwritten letter or a greeting card filled with personal messages.

It doesn’t matter what is the value of the paper or the ink but what matters most to the recipient is the message that they bring. And much like a sincere letter, people can’t seem to get enough of the message that flowers bring.
Whether you are offering congratulations or apologies, simply saying hello or professing your love, flowers seem convey the messages most meaningfully. For ages, people have used flowers to convey their messages.
They are considered as universal symbols of peace, gratitude and good will. And people have also assigned specific emotions to different flowers. The symbolism of flowers is an accepted convention all over the world today although some flowers have different regional and cultural connotations.
The study of the symbolism of flowers is also known as floriography and it dates back to the Victorian times. Flowers and floral arrangements were used as a means of coded communication allowing people to express feelings which otherwise could not be spoken. During that period, several floral dictionaries were also published to explain the secret language of flowers.
Throughout the centuries people have used flowers to express their feeling and though their meanings may have changed over the years, flowers still have various different meanings today. And they are presented as gifts everyday and on many occasions. Many gift shops in Agra and florists cater to the huge demand of flowers in everyday life. And in the modern age of computers, one can also find a number of online florists and gifts portals providing services for flower delivery in Agra and other destinations. Through these portals people can also send gifts online along with flowers.